BUFFALO, N.Y. — It’s on the mind of every parent: how does one keep their child safe from a school shooting?

"It could happen at any time to anyone, anytime, anywhere, we're not exempt from it, nobody is,” said parent Sal Lewandowski.

Lewandowski, whose daughter attends Southside Elementary, says it's been happening too frequently.

He says his 5-year-old daughter is too young to discuss violence, but would like to see schools do more.

"I don’t think schools are anywhere near prepared for stuff like this. It's been happening since Columbine,” said Lewandowski.

Another parent, Amanda Riley, walks her son to and from school daily, and has talked to administrators about their safety measures.

"They say they do procedures all the time so I’m pretty confident in them,” said Riley.

Some parents say they either plan to or are planning to have a conversation about safety with their children.

"He's a little concerned, but he says ‘mommy I’ve got this, I’ve got this," said Riley.

Some parents told Spectrum News violence of any kind is an inevitable topic of conversation, but they find themselves discussing it more with their children than they did with their own parents.